6 Ways to Measure Qualified Healthcare Leads

6 Ways to Measure Qualified Healthcare Leads

When we’re talking about the concept of leads, we should remember that a good lead is defined by its quality rather than quantity. 

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However you go about generating leads, you need to find ways to rank them to decide the ones that are worth following up and the ones that you can discard. 

When measuring your healthcare client leads, metrics become a big part of defining a quality lead. So what are some of the ways to tell if a lead is worth following?

The Cost Per Lead

One of the most important things that we should all look at is how much of an investment a lead is, not just in terms of the individual cost, but how much this lead is worth to the company as a whole. 

It is vital that we determine the differences between a good lead and a bad one. The cost of a lead is not just the amount you’ve already paid for it, but how it has contributed to your net revenue which should include the cost of time as well as other direct tangible marketing expenses. 

The right lead is an important investment in the big picture.

The Length of Your Sales Cycle 

Your sales cycle significantly impacts your organization’s success. This is especially true for healthcare support businesses. 

Unfortunately, many companies serving healthcare organizations have only experienced long sales cycles that often result in dead-end leads and frustration. 

A sales cycle can have many steps, but the three key stages usually involve the awareness stage, the consideration stage, and the decision stage. When we look at the sales cycle, we have to ensure if it really is a timely investment. 

A buyer will need to hit these three stages within a certain timescale, but the awareness stage can be greatly reduced by using the right marketing methods.

Check out what our experts say about Shortening Your B2B Healthcare Sales Cycle

Investing in Leads From the Right Source

When we talk about getting the right leads, they can come from various sources. A good quality lead can come from anywhere, but ensuring you find a qualified healthcare lead should include the following: 

  • They want what you offer. An ideal customer will know what they want, and even if they don't, you can still show how you’re meeting their needs by having insight into their pain points
  • They use target keywords. When you’re trying to understand what the ideal patient is looking for, a keyword strategy is essential to build a solid foundation of marketing and search engine optimization. You can source this information based on past business, or you could perform market research by conducting client or customer interviews. 

You could also look at customer data analysis and call tracking, which can be a lengthy process, but very insightful if you start spotting trends between customers in terms of their problems.

The Closing Rate

Closing a lead shouldn't be a lengthy process. When a customer is at the decision stage, it should be easy enough to close the business. 

However, if you find that they are stuck on the consideration stage during the buyer's journey, you’ve got to make a judgment call about whether it is worth progressing with them. When we're talking about qualified healthcare leads, they have to be someone who suits our needs.

Their Purchasing History

Time and time again, it is far better to retain customers than to get new ones. But for any business to grow, there need to be new leads to nurture and close.

When we're trying to bring new leads onboard, we've got to address if they have the authority to make an appropriate purchasing decision. Their purchasing history can provide insight into whether their needs have been met before or are likely to purchase again. If there is a need for your service based on their purchasing history or demographic, it can be an easy way to close a sale. 

Their background and browsing patterns will provide insight, which can help us decide if they are worth the effort. In addition, their purchasing history might give a number of great insights, such as their budgets, their timetables for decision-making, and if they are genuinely interested in what you would be able to offer.

The Click-Through Rate

Another way to ascertain their habits is to look at the click-through rate. Suppose you are using programmatic marketing or you’ve already invested in a marketing strategy that brings customers to your website. In that case, you can look at the click-through rate to see if they've actually decided whether something is of value to them. 

Ensuring that you measure healthcare leads is not about quantity -- quality is everything, and using the right metrics to determine this quality is vital. 

Some of these methods can provide you with great insight into what it will take to bring about qualified healthcare leads so you can boost your business in the long run.

Perla Is a Private, Specialized Healthcare Marketing Platform  

While all these different marketing strategies are beneficial for healthcare consultants seeking leads from healthcare professionals and entities, Perla has a new and better way forward. 

Founded to correct the inefficiencies of traditional healthcare sales and marketing, Perla is a private networking platform that enables you to market DIRECTLY to healthcare entities and professionals in the segment your organization specializes in. 

Powered by intelligent matching, Perla allows you to reduce the length of your marketing efforts by ensuring you’ll only receive leads from healthcare entities and professionals searching for your exact offerings. 

Add Perla into your sales and marketing process to make the most out of your investment while speeding up your marketing timelines. 

Request a demo to learn more about Perla, and see how it works.

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