Obtaining informed consent for conducting patient research is not only important to patient satisfaction, but also required by law. It is good practice to use an informed consent checklist to ensure all the required regulatory requirements related to informed consent is satisfied for each patient.
Download GuideDifferent consent forms must be generated for human participating research studies. Hospitals must ensure that patients execute proper consent forms before any research study can be conducted. These consent forms must comply with state and federal regulatory requirements. To ensure that all the necessary federal regulatory requirements are met in each consent form, the attached form can be used. We have provided additional resources from which you can obtain sample consent form templates.
Disclaimer: This document is only intended for educational purposes and does not contain legal advice. By downloading this document, you will not establish any attorney-client relationship with Perla or its affiliates and agree to waive any liabilities or damages arising from the download or the use of this form. You must discuss any employment issues with a qualified employment lawyer who is familiar with healthcare employment issues. To find an employment healthcare attorney, you may search Perla’s network of healthcare advisors by clicking below.
Obtaining informed consent for conducting patient research is not only important to patient satisfaction, but also required by law. It is good practice to use an informed consent checklist to ensure all the required regulatory requirements related to informed consent is satisfied for each patient.